Thouvenin, P.-A., Repetti, A., & Chainais, P. (2024). A Distributed Split-Gibbs Sampler with Hypergraph Structure for High-Dimensional Inverse Problems. J. Comput. and Graph. Stat., 33(3), 814–832.
Palud, P., Einig, L., Le Petit, F., Bron, É., Chainais, P., Chanussot, J., Pety, J., Thouvenin, P.-A., Languignon, D., Bešlić, I., Santa-Maria, M. G., Orkisz, J. H., Ségal, L. E., Zakardjian, A., Bardeau, S., Gerin, M., Goicoechea, J. R., Gratier, P., Guzman, V. V., … Sievers, A. (2023). Neural network-based emulation of interstellar medium models. A & A, 678, A198.
Palud, P., Thouvenin, P.-A., Chainais, P., Bron, E., & Le Petit, F. (2023). Efficient sampling of non log-concave posterior distributions with mixture of noises. IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 71, 2491–2501.
Thouvenin, P.-A., Dabbech, A., Jiang, M., Abdulaziz, A., Thiran, J.-P., Jackson, A., & Wiaux, Y. (2023). Parallel faceted imaging in radio interferometry via proximal splitting (Faceted HyperSARA): II. Code and real data proof of concept. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 521(1), 20–34.
Thouvenin, P.-A., Abdulaziz, A., Dabbech, A., Repetti, A., & Wiaux, Y. (2023). Parallel faceted imaging in radio interferometry via proximal splitting (Faceted HyperSARA): I. Algorithm and simulations. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 521(1), 1–19.
Thouvenin, P.-A., Dobigeon, N., & Tourneret, J.-Y. (2016). Hyperspectral Unmixing with Spectral Variability Using a Perturbed Linear Mixing Model. IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 64(2), 525–538.
Pilavci, Y. Y., Boulanger, J., Thouvenin, P.-A., & Chainais, P. (2024). Denoising bivariate signals via smoothing and polarization priors. Proc. European Signal Process. Conf. (EUSIPCO), 2602–2606.
Palud, P., Chainais, P., Le Petit, F., Bron, E., Thouvenin, P.-A., Vono, M., Einig, L., Santa-Maria, M. G., Gaudel, M., Orkisz, J. H., de Souza Magalhaes, V., Bardeau, S., Gerin, M., Goicoechea, J. R., Gratier, P., Guzman, V. V., Kainulainen, J., Levrier, F., Peretto, N., … Sievers, A. (2022). Mixture of noises and sampling of non-log-concave posterior distributions. Proc. European Signal Process. Conf. (EUSIPCO), 2031–2035.
Thouvenin, P.-A., Repetti, A., & Chainais, P. (2022). A versatile distributed MCMC algorithm for large scale inverse problems. Proc. European Signal Process. Conf. (EUSIPCO), 2016–2020.
Thouvenin, P.-A., Abdulaziz, A., Jiang, M., Repetti, A., Dabbech, A., & Wiaux, Y. (2020, December). A Faceted Prior fo Scalable Wideband Imaging: Application to Radio Astronomy. Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop Comput. Adv. Multi-Sensor Adaptive Process. (CAMSAP).
Thouvenin, P.-A., Repetti, A., Dabbech, A., & Wiaux, Y. (2018). Time-Regularized Blind Deconvolution Approach for Radio Interferometry. Proc. IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Process. Workshop (SAM), 475–479.
Thouvenin, P.-A., Dobigeon, N., & Tourneret, J.-Y. (2017). Unmixing Multitemporal Hyperspectral Images Accounting for Smooth and Abrupt Variations. Proc. European Signal Process. Conf. (EUSIPCO), 2378–2383.
Thouvenin, P.-A., Dobigeon, N., & Tourneret, J.-Y. (2015). A Perturbed Linear Mixing Model Accounting for Spectral Variability. Proc. European Signal Process. Conf. (EUSIPCO), 819–823.
Palud, P., Le Petit, F., Chainais, P., Thouvenin, P.-A., Bron, E., & the ORION B consortium. (2022, October). Inferring physical conditions in star forming regions with new
Bayesian approach and spatial regularization. Proceedings of the “Physique Et Chimie Du Milieu Interstellaire” (PCMI) Conference.
Palud, P., Bron, E., Thouvenin, P.-A., Le Petit, F., & Chainais, P. (2022). Sampler algorithm for non-convex inverse problem. 3rd IMA Conference on Inverse Problems from Theory to Application, 44.
Thouvenin, P.-A., Repetti, A., & Chainais, P. (2022). Distributed sampling for imaging inverse problems in
high dimension. 3rd IMA Conference on Inverse Problems from Theory to Application, 45.
Palud, P., Le Petit, F., Chainais, P., Bron, E., & Thouvenin, P.-A. (2022, April). Dealing with uncertainty in millimeter astronomy: towards more realistic noise model and Bayesian approach. Multi-Line Diagnostics of the Interstellar Medium.
Thouvenin, P.-A., Abdulaziz, A., Jiang, M., Dabbech, A., Repetti, A., Jackson, A., Thiran, J.-P., & Wiaux, Y. (2021, August). Parallel faceted imaging in radio interferometry via proximal splitting (Faceted HyperSARA). Proceedings of the XXXIVth URSI General Assembly (URSI GASS).
Einig, L., Palud, P., Chanussot, J., Pety, J., Bron, E., Chainais, P., Le Petit, F., Thouvenin, P.-A., Gerin, M., & Roueff, A. (2023, September). Réduction d’un modèle astrophysique par réseaux de neurones. Actes Du XXIXième Colloque GRETSI.
Palud, P., Thouvenin, P.-A., Chainais, P., Bron, E., Le Petit, F., Beslic, I., Einig, L., Maria, M. G. S., Orkisz, J. H., Zakardjian, A., Bardeau, S., Chanussot, J., Gerin, M., Goicoechea, J. R., Gratier, P., Guzman, V. V., Levrier, F., Örberg, K., Peretto, N., … Hughes, A. (2023, September). Problèmes inverses et test bayésien d’adéquation du modèle. Actes Du XXIXième Colloque GRETSI.
Palud, P., Chainais, P., Le Petit, F., Bron, E., Thouvenin, P.-A., Vono, M., Einig, L., Santa-Maria, M. G., Gaudel, M., Orkisz, J. H., de Souza Magalhaes, V., Bardeau, S., Gerin, M., Goicoechea, J. R., Gratier, P., Guzman, V. V., Kainulainen, J., Levrier, F., Peretto, N., … Sievers, A. (2022). Mélange de bruits et échantillonnage de posterior non log-concave. Actes Du XXVIIIième Colloque GRETSI, 705–708.
Thouvenin, P.-A., Repetti, A., & Chainais, P. (2022). Un algorithme MCMC distribué pour la résolution de problèmes inverses de grande dimension. Actes Du XXVIIIième Colloque GRETSI, 697–700.
Thouvenin, P.-A., Dobigeon, N., & Tourneret, J.-Y. (2017). Une approche distribuée asynchrone pour la factorisation en matrices non-négatives – application au démélange hyperspectral. Actes Du XXVIième Colloque GRETSI, 1065–1068.
Thouvenin, P.-A. (2017). Modeling spectral and temporal variabilities in hyperspectral image unmixing [Institut national polytechnique de Toulouse (INPT)].